Before setting up a Mobile & Remote Video set up for camera system, it’s important to analyze various points. Below have been discussed the process to set up this unique security system.
1. Analyze the premises thoroughly
The first and foremost important step is to analyze the premises properly. Try to check the various places in a home or business
where most valuable belongings have been kept. It will also be wise to determine the various entries and exits in the house.
2. Get a surveillance system that features internet connections
The next important step is to get a surveillance camera system that features internet connections. It will also be wise to check out whether the camera has wide angle lens and supports night vision technology.
3. Install the HD cameras
Now it’s time to install the HD cameras in various locations of the house or business as per the requirement. Make sure to install
them in various doors, windows and ceiling
4. Install the internet ready recording Devices(DVR,NVR)
The next important step is to install the recording devices of remote surveillance system provided by the specific brand. To ensure proper functioning of the surveillance system, it is important to connect the DVR (NVR) to a Laptop or a computer with the internet
cable via the network . It is also necessary to install the specific software in the computer in order to get an access of the streaming videos from the cameras.
5. Check the camera out put
It is also necessary to check the output of the camera on the computer to analyze whether it’s able to cover the various vital location inside the home.
6. Activate the remote viewing settings
Now, it’s supposed to be the best part of installing the remote security surveillance system. It’s important to check out the remote viewing settings and thereby activate it. This will enable the owner of the house or business to access the live videos of the various interiors locations of the house from anywhere and at anytime. This system is usually password protected to ensure that the owner
of the house or business only gets access to the security. After activating the remote viewing, a person can easily check the safe belongings through a Laptop from an office or through a Smartphone that has internet connectivity.
What are the benefits of installing this system?
1. Can be accessed remotely
This is supposed to be one of the major benefits of installing this system. Now a user can access the real time videos of the interiors from anywhere using an authorized computer or a Smartphone.
2. Is highly cost effective
This unique security system is highly cost effective. All round access to the live videos of the home can be gained easily with the help
of networks.
Don't know how do to that . connect us today for a professional installation and we will set everything up for you!